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Q: Abnormal drainage from the ear is known as?
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Related questions

What is the purpose of ear drainage?

Ear drainage is a process that involves scopes and such to completely clean out the ear of any wax and dry particles that may be trapped in the ear canals or along the surrounding walls.

How do you make a sentence with drainage in the sentence?

lots of drainage coming out through my ear canal.

What is a good way to treat babies ear drainage?

Most ear drainage is wax and requires no treatment, other than tilting the ear down to allow the fluid to drain off. Other drainage is more serious and you should probably ask your pediatrician for recommended treatments.

What is congenital microtia?

It is the abnormal growth of the external ear

What are the causes of hearing disorders?

The causes of hearing disorders are Damage to the inner ear. Buildup of ear wax. Ear Infection and abnormal bone growths or tumors. Ruptured Ear drum.

What is abnormal softening of the the brain is known as?

abnormal softening of the brain

What is the purpose of the auditory tube opening into the nasopharynx?

To permit drainage away from the ear drum membrane.

What are the symptoms of perforated eardrum?

An earache or pain in the ear, which may be severe, or a sudden decrease in ear pain, followed by ear drainage of clear, bloody, or pus-filled fluid, hearing loss, or ear noise/buzzing.

Is ear drainage a symptom of an ear infection?

It depends what kind of drainage it is. Anything other than a small amount of wax or water resulting from your shower or swimming should probably be seen by a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What is the term that means abnormal discharge from the ear?

Otorrhea is the medical term for abnormal discharge from the ear. It can be caused by various factors such as ear infections, trauma, or foreign objects in the ear canal. Prompt evaluation by a healthcare provider is important to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

What are symptoms of advanced mastoiditis?

The area behind the ear will appear red and swollen, and will be very sore. There may be drainage of pus from the infected ear. Fever is common.

Can tinnitus occur with no ear wax drainage?

Tinnitus is a recurrent nerve-related twitch in the ear! It can be treated with: 'Ginkgo Biloba'( available from most Health Shops )!