

Best Answer

Around 25.000thousand to 45.000 and sometimes to 55.000thousands.

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Q: About how much money does a marine mammal trainer make per year?
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How much does a marine mammal trainer earn?

A marine mammal trainer is a person who feeds, trains, and plays with mamels such as dolphins and if you are working with dolphins you teach them tricks like kiss and hug and its really fun and you make $40,000 just starting off being a marine mammal trainer.

How much money does a marine mammal trainer make?

Most people who want to be a marine mammal trainer are not in it for the money, they're in it for the adventure and the experience. Keep that in mind, when deciding if this is the career for you. Starting pay is very low compared to other "professional" pay scales. It currently (November 2010) ranges from a low of $8/hr to $13/hr depending on the facility, and that's after you do at least one internship (most of them are unpaid). On average, most 1st year trainers have done a minimum of 2 to 3 internships to get their foot in the door before they land their first full-time staff training job. Without help from family, most junior trainers work a 2nd part-time job to help make ends meet. It's not until a couple of promotions to the "senior trainer" position (4-8 yrs in the profession), that one can make a livable wage ($40K+) and not have to have part-time supplemental income. Bottom line - you choose this occupation because you love it, not for the money!

How much does a marine trainer make in a year?

try: low: $28,600 per year to high: $40,000

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== ==

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My butt6565

How much money does a marine patrol sargent in Maine make?

a marine patrol makes about $45,000, but a sargent for the marine patrols make about $60,000 to $70,000.

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Seals, sea lions and walrus are all known to make barking vocalizations.

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