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Roughly speaking, acceleration is caused by destroying the balance of forces on an object.

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Q: Acceleration is caused by any forces?
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What is the caused when forces are not opposite and equal?


Is acceleration caused by two forces which are opposite to each other?

Acceleration is caused by unbalanced forces. They may or may not be opposite in direction. If they are, they must be different in size.

What forces cause acceleration?

A layman's attempt: Any unbalanced force applied over time to an object that is free to move will bring about acceleration.

How does balanced forces act on a car?

The same way it acts on any other objects. If the forces are balanced, there will be no acceleration.

Three things that can be acceleration?

Only one thing can be acceleration; the changing velocity of any given object. That's what acceleration is. Acceleration is caused by a net force on the object.

How do unbalanced forces acting on an object affects it's motions?

Balanced forces do not change its motion (no acceleration). Unbalanced forces changes the motion of the object (acceleration).

Acceleration is caused by?

Acceleration is caused by gravity or an outside force on the object.

When the balanced forces act on an object the object speeds up starts to move slows down stops or changes direction is this acceleration?

Any time speed or direction changes, that's acceleration. There's no way a balanced group of forces could do any of this, though. The vector sum of a group of balanced forces is zero, and where net force is zero, there's no acceleration.

The acceleration of falling objects is caused by the force of?

Assuming that there are no other forces on the object, the force that causes the acceleration of a falling object is the gravitational force (attractive force that exists between two masses). In problems, this assumption is usually used.However, in Force = mass*acceleration it is important to remember it is net acceleration and net force. Thus, for an object falling in real life the acceleration is caused by the gravitational force and a drag force which results from the object moving through the air. You have to take into account all the forces on the object.

How do unbalanced forces acting on an object its motion?

Balanced forces do not change its motion (no acceleration). Unbalanced forces changes the motion of the object (acceleration).

Stationary objects are the result of?

0 velocity 0 acceleration The forces on the object are balanced: it is in equilibrium. (The forces are balanced on any object with 0 acceleration, even if it is moving.)

When is acceleration produced?

When there is a net force. This means that all the forces working on an object do not cancel each other, as such there will be a net force which will cause an acceleration. Accelerations may also be caused by fictitious forces if you are not in an acceleration-free reference frame (i.e. you are not in an inertial frame).