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Spreading ridges

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Q: According To Plate-tectonic Theory Where Is New Oceanic Crust Being Formed?
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What is the meaning of sea floor-spreading theory?

in the theory of plate tectonics, the process by which new oceanic crust is formed by the convective upwelling of magma at. your welcome peoples!!!!

A place where seafloor spreading occurs.?

2. Mid Ocean Ridges are the place where new crust is formed. 1. oceanic plates or oceanic crust

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Georges Buffon, a naturalist, advocated the Dynamic Encounter Theory. According to this theory, the world was formed out of the molten materials from the Sun when it collided with a comet.

What is the sea floor spreading theory?

Theory that oceanic crust forms along submarine mountain zones, known collectively as the oceanic ridge system, and spreads out laterally away from them.

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