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Urging his daughter to "cry witch" against his neighbor so he could buy his property.

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Q: According to Giles Corey what is Thomas Putnam guilty of?
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What are john proctor attitudes toward his land?

In Act I, John and Giles Corey get into an argument with Thomas Putnam about his land. According to John and Giles, Putnam claims that he owns land that does not belong to him.

What does giles Corey say is thomas putnam's main motivation?

He wants to get revenge! ;]

What accusation does giles Corey make against thomas putnam?

a land grab

What does Giles Corey accuses Thomas Putnam of?

Use the whole witchcraft scandal to try to get more land

Why is giles Corey expelled from court?

Giles is expelled for interrupting the case by shouting at Thomas Putnam over land disputes.

Giles Corey accuses Thomas Putnam of what?

"Reaching for land," or buying up the confiscated property of neighbors accused and convicted of witchcraft.

What is Giles Corey's proof that Thomas Putnam is reaching out for land and why won't he reveal his source?

Giles Corey doesn't actually reveal who his source of proof is. He only says that the person is reliable and that this person overheard Thomas Putnam telling his daughter to accuse George Jacobs of witchcraft. That is when Giles Corey accused Thomas Putnam of lying so he could get George Jacobs land at a reduced price.

Who filed a law suit in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Giles Corey filed a law suit against Thomas Putnam for taking his land.

As Act III opens what accusation does Giles Corey make?

Giles Corey accuses Thomas Putnam, saying that he was overheard telling his daughter to accuse George Jacobs of witchcraft so that he can buy his land when he is prosecuted

Who complains that his wife reads books in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Giles Corey. His wife is then accused of witchcraft because of this. Hence why he goes to plead with Governor Danforth in Act 3 of 'The Crucible'

Who did ann putnam jr accuse?

Rebecca Nurse & Martha Corey.

Why does Corey refuse to divulge the name of the man who can substantiate his claim that putman is killing his neighbors for their land?

Corey may fear retaliation from Putnam if he reveals the man's identity, as Putnam may try to silence or harm the person. Corey's refusal to divulge the name also highlights the level of distrust and fear in the community regarding Putnam's actions, demonstrating the dangerous consequences of going against him. Additionally, Corey may see the information as a bargaining chip or leverage in future dealings with Putnam or authorities, and revealing it could compromise his position.