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Q: According to Jefferson when should a government the abolished?
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What should be done if the government fails to fulfill its purpose according to Jefferson?

According to Thomas Jefferson, if the government fails to fulfill it's full purpose, the people have the right/duty, to get rid of those in the government and choose others to fill the spots.

Who are people that believe there should be no government?

Those who believe the government should be abolished are known as anarchists

According to Jefferson what should the people do if the government fails to fulfill?

According to Thomas Jefferson, if the government fails to fulfill it's full purpose, the people have the right/duty, to get rid of those in the government and choose others to fill the spots.

According to Thomas Jefferson what are the rights called that the government cannot take away?

According to Thomas Jefferson, the rights that the government cannot take away are called "unalienable rights." These rights include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Jefferson believed that these rights are inherent to all individuals and should be protected by the government.

Was Jefferson Davis black?

no necessarily racist, but he was a hypocrite. he preached how slavery should be abolished, even though he owned slaves.

How does Jefferson believe government should treat its citizens?

How does Jefferson believe it should treat its citizens in the inaugural address

How does Jefferson believe the government should treat its citizens?

How does Jefferson believe it should treat its citizens in the inaugural address

Should KCPE be abolished?

no it should not be abolished

What is a tyrannical?

A tyrannic government is a government that strips individuals of basic rights that they should be allowed, such as "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" or freedom of speech. Basically, according to Jefferson, it is a government that deprives individuals of "Unalienable right".

People should not fear the government government should fear the people?

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

What did Jefferson the responsibilities of government should be limited to?

"That government governs best, which governs LEAST", said Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson believed in a small government, almost a minimalist government. Of course, he envisioned a nation of farmers and shopkeepers, not a world power with an international reach.

What limited responsibility did Jefferson believe government should have?

Jefferson believed the national government should be limited to delivering the mail, collecting customs duties, and conducting a census every 10 years.