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Property I think

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What is it 
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3y ago
the correct answer is perstige
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Trent Holbrook

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2y ago
i got it right, thanks
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Chloe Osborn

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1mo ago

Max Weber believed that social class is determined by a combination of wealth (economic factors), power (political factors), and prestige (social factors). These three dimensions influence an individual's position in the social hierarchy and their access to resources and opportunities. Weber's approach to social class is known as multidimensional or stratification theory.

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Katelin Hancock

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3y ago

All of the above.

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Lvl 1
3y ago

All of the above

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Continue Learning about Sociology

What does social basis mean?

Social basis refers to the foundation or underlying support provided by a group or community for certain societal institutions, norms, or practices. It represents the collective beliefs, values, and behaviors that influence and shape social interactions and relationships within a given society. Ultimately, the social basis serves as a framework through which individuals connect with one another and navigate their shared environment.

According to social scientists race is what?

According to social scientists, race is a socially constructed concept based on physical characteristics such as skin color, hair texture, and facial features. It is used to categorize people into different racial groups, but it has no biological basis. Race is a product of historical and cultural factors that have shaped how individuals are perceived and treated in society.

What social institutions influence you on a daily basis?

Some common social institutions that can influence individuals on a daily basis include schools, workplaces, families, and religious organizations. These institutions shape our beliefs, values, behaviors, and opportunities in various ways, and their impact may vary depending on an individual's social context and experiences.

What is the definition of social differences?

SOCIAL DIFFERENCE The differences among the individuals on the basis of social characteristics and qualities are known as social differences. Social differences are the complex differences and they include class, race, culture, age, ability, sex etc. Social differences can create discrimination among the individuals on the basis of their social characteristics. For example, if in a society, individuals with high status are given more respect and importance as compare to the poor or homeless people then it is a social difference. Social differences can create a lot of problems in a society because discrimination always result in inequality, inferiority complex and other social problems. ONE LINE DEFINITION- Differences in the society on the basis of region, caste, color etc. signifies linguistic and regional diversity.

What are the stages of social evolution according to comte?

Auguste Comte proposed three stages of social evolution: the theological stage, where societies are based on religious beliefs and superstitions; the metaphysical stage, where societies transition to more rational and abstract thinking; and the positivist stage, where societies embrace science and empirical evidence as the basis for understanding the world.

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What is the basis of max weber's classifications of government?

how power is transferred

What are the basis of social difference?

The basis of social difference is usually found in race and class.

What was the belief of many Progressives who followed Walter Rauschenbusch Social Gospel program?

Christianity should be the basis of social reform.

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According to Edmund Burke, conservatism is a form of liberalism that should form the basis for social structure, and ought to ensure division of property to all.

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What does the social contract employ according to Rousseau?

According to Rousseau, the social contract employs individuals surrendering some freedom to a collective body in exchange for protection of their remaining rights and interests. This agreement forms the basis of a just society where individuals are bound to the general will for the common good.