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Uniting all Germans into one nation.

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According to Mein Kampf, Germany could return to power by expanding its territory, militarizing its population, and establishing itself as a dominant force in Europe through aggressive foreign policy. Hitler believed that a strong, unified Germany could achieve greatness by overthrowing the post-World War I political order and promoting Aryan supremacy.

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Q: According to Mein Kampf Germany could return to power by?
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Where can I sell my signed 1939 version of Mien kampf?

You could try selling your signed copy of "Mein Kampf" through rare book dealers, online auctions, or specialized collectibles websites. It is important to research reputable sources to ensure you get a fair price for the item. Be mindful of any legal considerations around selling historical or controversial items.

Reynal and Hitchcock mein kampf 1940 edition value?

The value of a "Mein Kampf" 1940 edition published by Reynal and Hitchcock can vary depending on its condition and rarity. Generally, this edition could be worth several hundred to a couple thousand dollars to the right collector. It's essential to consult with a rare book expert or appraiser for a precise evaluation.

How much was the Mein Kampf influential to the Germans?

Mein Kampf was highly influential in shaping Nazi ideology and Hitler's vision for Germany. It provided a blueprint for the policies and beliefs that would later be carried out during the Nazi regime. However, its influence varied among Germans, as not all embraced its extremist ideology.

What were Adolf Hitler's goals that were explained in his book mein kampf and what steps did he take to accomplish those goals prior to World War 2?

In "Mein Kampf," Adolf Hitler outlined his goals of establishing a racially pure German empire, expanding German territory, and eliminating perceived threats to the Aryan race. To achieve these goals before World War II, Hitler pursued aggressive rearmament, territorial expansion through the annexation of Austria and the Sudetenland, and the signing of alliances with Italy and Japan. He also implemented discriminatory policies against Jews and other minority groups within Germany.

Can you repair corrupt dragon armor?

Its impossible to fix corrupt dragon weapons if you are F2P or if you're P2P. However, If you are P2P, I'd recommend getting the regular dragon. The armor is slightly more expensive, yet the weapons cost less.

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What country was recently told they could reprint Mein Kampf?

Germany recently gave Bavaria which is a German state, the 'okay' to reprint Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.

Could you buy the Mein Kampf book today?

Yes but i say get it now because starting by germany they will rewrite mein kampf and take out ALL Nazism ideals like hitlers thought of how he would change germany because their scared that people would be efended especially jews and/or people would try to copy hitler which some people tried before

What does auf deinem gesetzen bleiben Kampf mean in English?

This could be roughly translated as " Laws remain on your fight" Instead of Fight you could also use struggle.

Why did the Holocaust begin?

The Holocaust began because Hitler wanted to purify Germany from anyone who wasn't German, or "Aryan" - the new race he wanted to make. Read "Mein Kampf" to learn more about his anti-semtism (hatred of the Jews). Please see the related answers, which give a rather wider view.

Why did the Nazi's want to take control of Germany?

After WW1, Germany was going through very hard times. Recall: the treaty of verailles. Hitler became a German dictator when he wrote the book: Mein Kamf. He became Chancellor of Germany as German people were desperate and Hitler claimed he could bring Germany back to 'greatness'. A group of German people that were very desperate and thought Hitler was their answer, were the Nazi's. They took control of the government creating a Facist Germany. They believed they could turn Germany into the greatest country under Hitler. Hitler stated in Mein Kampf that groups but mostly the Jewish group were their enemies. This resulted in the Holocaust. They wanted to make Germany great, creating a sense of purity and the Jewish people were supposedly considered the enemies that would stop them from doing this.

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mabye ,there could be a possible chance because if he could return at the royal rumble 2009 he might be able to return to the WWE.

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