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According to Robert Merton's strain theory, society promotes deviance by creating a disconnect between culturally defined goals (such as wealth and success) and the legitimate means to achieve these goals. When individuals are unable to attain these goals through approved avenues, they may turn to deviant behavior as a means of achieving success.

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Q: According to Robert Merton Society promotes deviance by?
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Which choices best describes the work of Robert Merton?

Robert Merton was a prominent sociologist known for his theory of deviance, which explained how societal structures can contribute to criminal behavior. He also developed the concept of the "self-fulfilling prophecy" in sociology, which suggests that beliefs or predictions can create their own reality. Merton's work has had a lasting impact on the field of sociology and remains influential in the study of social structure and behavior.

Which term would Robert Merton use to describe the result of these social functions?

Robert Merton would likely use the term "latent function" to describe the result of these hidden or unintended social functions that may have positive consequences for society.

Examples of merton's theory?

Merton's theory of strain states that when people are unable to achieve culturally approved goals through legitimate means, they may turn to deviant behavior as a way to achieve success. This can result in various forms of deviance, such as crime, substance abuse, or rebellion against societal norms. Examples include individuals resorting to theft or fraud due to limited economic opportunities, or engaging in drug use as a coping mechanism for societal pressure.

Merton's typology of prejudice and discrimination?

Merton's typology of prejudice and discrimination categorizes individuals based on their attitudes and behaviors towards minority groups. The typology includes four categories: unprejudiced nondiscriminators, unprejudiced discriminators, prejudiced nondiscriminators, and prejudiced discriminators. This framework helps to understand the complexities of how prejudice and discrimination manifest in society.

One of Robert Mertons most significant contributions to sociology was the attempt to merge the microlevel and macrolevel approaches to the stOne of Robert Merton's most significant contributions to so?

One of Robert Merton's most significant contributions to sociology was his development of the concept of manifest and latent functions. This idea aimed to bridge the gap between micro-level interactions and macro-level structures by examining both the intended and unintended consequences of social actions and institutions. Merton also introduced the notion of social dysfunction, which highlighted the negative impacts of social structures on society.

Related questions

When was International Thomas Merton Society created?

International Thomas Merton Society was created in 1987.

Who argued in the 1960s that society creates deviance and deviant individuals by responding in particular ways to behaviors and actions?

Check out Robert K. Merton--who wrote Social Theory and Social Structure. Also check Erich Fromm--Man for Himself. I know one of them mentions this.

What concepts is used in Robert Merton's strain theory if deviance to refer to the process of seeking conventional goals but rejecting conventional to get there?

Robert Merton's strain theory uses the concept of anomie to explain deviance. Anomie refers to a state of normlessness or lack of social regulation, which can lead individuals to pursue unconventional means to achieve conventional goals. This strain between societal expectations and individual opportunities can result in deviant behavior.

Who applied anomie to criminology?

Γ‰mile Durkheim applied the concept of anomie to criminology in his work "The Division of Labor in Society" (1893). Anomie refers to a state of normlessness or lack of social cohesion that can lead to higher rates of crime and deviance in society. Durkheim's work highlighted the role of social structures and norms in shaping criminal behavior.

Which choices best describes the work of Robert Merton?

Robert Merton was a prominent sociologist known for his theory of deviance, which explained how societal structures can contribute to criminal behavior. He also developed the concept of the "self-fulfilling prophecy" in sociology, which suggests that beliefs or predictions can create their own reality. Merton's work has had a lasting impact on the field of sociology and remains influential in the study of social structure and behavior.

How would agnew explain middle class crime?

According to Merton, deviance can be described in terms of institutional goals and illegitimate or legitimate means of securing it. It is the choice of a middle class to accept institutional goals through either of the means.

How would Merton classify a law abiding citizen?

Merton would classify a law-abiding citizen as conforming to societal norms and values, adhering to the cultural goals and means of society through legitimate channels.

How do you xxplain Merton's strain theory?

Merton's strain theory suggests that deviance is a result of the strain individuals feel when they are unable to achieve socially accepted goals through legitimate means. This strain can lead individuals to engage in deviant behavior as a way to cope with their frustration and achieve success through alternative means. Merton identified five possible responses to strain: conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion.

What term did Robert Merton use to describe human actions that hurt a system society that are usually unintended?

latent functions

When was The Merton created?

The Merton was created in 2005.

Which term would Robert Merton use to describe the result of these social functions?

Robert Merton would likely use the term "latent function" to describe the result of these hidden or unintended social functions that may have positive consequences for society.

What is the birth name of Merton Hodge?

Merton Hanks's birth name is Merton Edward Hanks.