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Q: According to james madison what has caused past experiments in democratic government to fail?
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What is the end or supreme goal of government according to Madison?

James Madison states in the Federalist 51 that "justice is the end of government"

What should the authority of government be based according to Madison?


Where do the rights of property originate according to James Madison?

In the republican government

Explain how Madison propose to devise a government to prevent a tyranny of the majority?

He believed that a democratic government would stop the unjust majorities from taking control over the government.

Do you believe the US government works as Madison claimed it would?

James Madison had the belief that by instilling a democratic form of government in the United States that the farmers and business owners would learn to work together for the best interests of the country. Many people believe that the US government does work as Madison claimed it would.

According to Madison from where did the greatest danger to individual rights come?

The government.

Which political party did James Madison participate in founding in the 1790s?

He was a Democratic-republican. Jefferson and Madison created the Democratic Republican Party to oppose the Federalist Party.

What according to Madison is a compound republic?

According to Madison, a compound republic is a government that has a federal structure that has more than one level of government. The power is first shared between two district governments.

According to Madison what different interests arise in a civilized nation?

According to Madison The Different Internets arise in a civilization nation wanted a strong Federal government.

In republican government which branch necessarily predominates according to James Madison?

The Legislative Branch

Which political party opposed the national bank?

The Democratic-Republican Party, led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, opposed the creation of a national bank in the late 1700s and early 1800s. They believed that a national bank would give too much power to the federal government and favored a more limited role for the central government.

Who were the democratic?

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were the democratic-republicans who founded the party in 1790.