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You will have noticed that the great apes are similar in some ways to monkeys, but also similar in some ways to humans. That is because we are more closely related to the apes than we are to monkeys. Humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor that lived around seven million years ago. This common ancestor was, in turn descended from an even more remote ancestor of all the apes. And, going back even further, there was indeed an ancestor common to both monkeys and apes.
So the evolutionary gap is explained by the remoteness in time of our common ancestor. The process of evolution simply took us in quite different directions.

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8y ago

It is a fallacy that man evolved from monkeys, if that means that you have ancestors that were exactly the same as monkeys that live in today's world. Theory suggests that modern monkeys and man each evolved separately over time from some common ancestor.

If we excuse the misunderstanding involved in asking the question - on the grounds that for all intents and purposes, the ape-like ancestor proposed by evolution as the ancestor of man, however distant, was effectively a member of the family of primates we call monkeys.

This aside, there is no explanation shown by science to bridge this gap since it didn't happen in the first place. Genetic information which would allow one type of organism to change into another does not arise by chance mutation. Natural selection acts on the existing genetic information. It creates nothing new.

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11y ago

According to the theory of evolution humans and apes have a common ancestor who progressed Dow two different evolutionary paths.

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Humans are related to monkeys because a primate mated to another type of species of primate and created humans. Therefore, we are related to monkeys genetically, though we are very distantly related to monkeys. And as you may guess, we too are primates. For more information, research about primates and how humans evolved.

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Is monkeys related to humans?

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