

Achohol is said to slow down?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: Achohol is said to slow down?
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What is achohol?

Achohol is a depressant which slows you down. Also, goes directly to your bloodstream and can increase risk of diseases.

What is slow down?

its when something is slowing down

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I think you mean slow down and speed up. slow down =slow, speed up=fast

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It is said that after doing a strenuous exercise or a long intense run that you should not sit down right away. It is better to slow down to a walk for a few to let your body cool down and let your heart slow down.

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cars slow down because of friction and when you push the brake pedal you automatically slow down

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rosa parks never got married because she said it would slow her down

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Slow Down, Slow, retared

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an elephant will slow a rocket down

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slow down

When does your pulse slow down?

In my opinion our pulse slow down in our sleep.