

Acting like a cat

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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I act like a cat sometimes, maybe its just normal.

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Well, its either your Siamese cat wants to make friends with your Persian cat (Like my cat, their both girls, and their like INLOVE). Or, your Siamese cat is teretorial (Like my cat, her name is Fatty.... she attack every cat accept her sister).

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Yes, it is perfectly normal for your other pets to be acting strange around this new kitten. They are just not used to him/her yet. And I'm sure your cat wont hate you. :) If he does, well then he is just a snobby cat!

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Generally that is fear. Your cat may be in pain, cats do not know why they are in pain and might show signs of severe pain by acting like this. Sounds like it is vet time.

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It could be a comfort zone for the cat, or the cat is sick. Has it been acting sick?

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No, there is no scientific evidence or basis for this superstition. Cats, like people, can exhibit playful behavior for various reasons unrelated to the weather. It is unlikely that a cat acting like a kitten is predicting an incoming storm.

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Acting, singing, and stage makeup.

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He doesn't like you, he's just acting friendly.

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your bum

What should I do when my cat acts like dog?

This depends... If it's so bad that you think you need to do something about it, maybe you need to see a vet or expert. If your cat is just acting a bit silly now in then, it perfectly normal.