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Active transport is the process of molecules being moved across a membrane using energy. Passive transport moves the molecules without using energy.

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Q: Active transport is the process of what?
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How is passive transport different then active transport?

An example of passive transport would be the process of osmosis (water diffusing between a membrane-- from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration). It is known as passive transport because no energy is needed in order to move the water across the membrane. When no energy is needed to move the substance it is considered passive transport. On the other hand, when energy IS needed to transport molecules or substances across a membrane it is referred to as active transport. An example of this would be a calcium pump located in the lipid bilayer of a plasma membrane which can transport potassium (K+) ions across it. Energy is needed in order to move those potassium ions across the membrane, and therefore is referred to as active transport.

Facilitated diffusion depends on?

Facilitated diffusion is a type of active transport that lets certain chemicals into a cell. This process relies on surface proteins.

What is the source of the energy used in active transport?

The source of the energy used in active transport is the electrochemical gradient. Another possible source of energy for active transport is the breakdown of ATP molecules.

Is diffusion through ion channels a form of active transport?

Facilitated diffusion, or diffusion through ion channels, is not a form of active transport. It is a spontaneous passive transport.

The energy needed for active transport is usually supplied by what?

The energy needed for active transport is usually supplied by Mitochondria and ATP.

Related questions

Is active transport an active or passive process?

It has is in the name. Active Transport

Is a endocytosis active or passive transport?

it is an active transport process

What is the process that requires the use of energy to move materials across a membrane?

I believe it's active transport. active transport is correct.

What is a good sentence for Active Transport?

Active Transport is carried out in our body cells. Active Transport uses energy to transport materials.

What process requires cells to expend energy in the form of ATP?

active transport

What process brings food into the cell during active transport?

The process that brings food into the cell during active transport is endocytosis.

What is a process that releases energy when oxygen is insufficent?

Active Transport..........

What is active transport in a plant?

a houseplant in dry soil is this process diffusion,osmosis,or active transport

Why active transport is a energy dependent process?

Active transport relies on cellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to pump molecules against their concentration gradient across the cell membrane. This process requires energy to overcome the natural tendency of molecules to move from high to low concentration, ensuring the cell can maintain the desired internal environment.

The transport of materials against the concentration gradient is called?

In biology (and cut potatoes in baths) this process is called Osmosis; in the Water Purification Industry the process called Reverse Osmosis is employed.

Which type of membrane transport process uses ATP as a source of energy?

Active transport uses ATP as an energy source.

What is it called when materials move from lower to higher concentration?

Specifically Diffusion, but it is also active transport