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Q: Active voice of is the thief being caught?
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Examples of active voice?

Active voice is when the subject of a sentence is actively doing something, instead of that something being described as simply being done. An example of active voice would be saying that a writer is writing a sentence. Writing in passive voice would be saying that a sentence is being written by the writer.

Who is the voice in the pit In the book the Lightning Thief?

The voice in the pit turned out being the titan, Kronos.

The voice of the verb in this sentence Neil Armstrong made history by being the first man on the moon?

The voice of the verb in the sentence is active voice. In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action.

What is the voice in this sentence By the end of the day the children were tired?

The voice in the sentence is active voice because the subject, "the children," is performing the action of being tired.

Is The boy picked up the ball is it passive voice or active voice?

the ball was easily caught by the captain OR (not passive but sounds better) the ball was an easy c atch for the captain

The dog caught the ball it is passive or active?

Active because The subject (the dog) caught the object (the ball). The passive term would be, the ball was caught by the dog.

What is the voice of the verb in Mrs Walker told scary stories to her class?

Mrs. Walker told scary stories to her class is being said in active voice.

Is the sentence 'Rick and Kate built the house with their own hands' written in active voice?

That sentence is written in active voice, despite being somewhat ambiguous.

Using a conversation voice is part of?

being an active reader.