

Adaptations of a clown anemone fosh?

Updated: 4/2/2020
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14y ago

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A primary adaptation is resistance to harmful sea anemones.

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Q: Adaptations of a clown anemone fosh?
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What are 3-5 adaptations of a clown fish?

they have eyes and a mouth and a heart and also a brainfor anemone

Symbiotic relationships in the ocean?

Clown fish and sea anemone; the clown fish isn't stung by the anemone and makes its home in the anemone while when the clown fish is eating the anemone gets all the leftovers

How do Sea Anemone adapt?

The Sea Anemone uses clown fish to clean it and the clown fish uses the sea anemone for protection.

Clown fish adaptations?

1. They have rounded fins for a quick get away from any predators. 2. They have stimuli that helps detect the correct host species. 3. It can "Bleach" itself to blend in with anemone tentacles as a camouflage at night. 4. Has many adaptations to anemone for this is what clown fishes live in. 5. the mucus on its skin makes it able to live in anemone. has an symbiosis relationship to anemone.

Relationship between the clown fish and the sea anemone?

the relationship is that the anemone is dangerous to other fish but the clown fish is immune to its shocks so the anemone houses the clown fish and it eats the clown fish's waste

What are adaptations of a clown fish?

They have specially adapted so they can live in sea anemones without getting stung. This provides protection from predators and the clown fish helps the anemone get food by gathering up food.

Is the relationship between the clown fish and sea anemone a symbiocis relationship?

is the relationship between the clown fish and sea anemone

What are some adaptations of an orange clown fish?

Bright colours state authority. Immune to the sting of an anemone making a safe shelter for a clownfish to hide from other predators as they cannot get inside the anemone without being stung

What makes a sea unique?

Sea anemones coexist with clown fish, who are not bothered by the anemone sting. The clown fish hide from their enemies inside the anemones and the anemone eats scraps from the clown fish. . The clown fish also clean the sea anemone's tentacles.

What is the symbiotic relationship is between clown fish and sea anemone?

The anemone will protect a clownfish, the only fish that the anemone will not sting.

What is an example oft the clown fish and sea anemone?

The relation ship between the anemone and the clown fish is called a symbiotic relationship.

What are some adaptations of a clown fish?

Clown fish have adapted in many different ways. But the biggest thing is using sea anemones. The sea anemone produces a type of electricity that would shock all predators or prey but not the clown fish. So the sea anemone gives the clown fish a safe place to live and in return the clown fish brings food for the anemone. The clown fish don't get stung b brushing their scales with the tentacles of an anemone. The oils of a clown fish are read by the anemone as friend not foe.