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dark,colorful,chubby,bright,round,cicular, curved, broad,foggy, fuzzy, portly, clean, crooked, sunny, cute,billowy.

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Bright, blurry, vivid, dull.

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Q: Adjectives describing sight
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What are some sight adjectives?


What is the example of sensory adjectives using the sight?


Is a blinding sight an oxymoron?

Yes. An oxymoron is statement where the two adjectives contridict each other, such as blinding sight, almost there, skinny cow, absolutely not, etc.

What is the word for desert sight which really doesn't exist?

You're describing a mirage... a 'vision' that's not really there.

Is awesome a linking verb?

Awesome is not a verb. A verb is an action, and you can't awesome. It is an adjective describing something, such as "an awesome sight."

What is an example of a metaphor in a sentence describing your life?

the claws of a jackel thrust deep inside my mind. a sickly sight for my blind eyes.

What is descriptive language?

Descriptive language is language that provides details and vivid imagery to create a specific sensory experience for the reader or listener. It helps convey the look, feel, smell, taste, and sound of a particular subject, making the writing more engaging and immersive.

What is the word describing the process of becoming used to something in a combat or shooting situation I e first kill or becoming used to the sight of blood?


What 5 senses did Beth Johnson uses in describing Lou's Place?

Beth Johnson uses the senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch in describing Lou's Place. She paints a vivid picture of the atmosphere and experience at the bar by appealing to these senses in her writing.

Which senses are more useful when describing qualitative properties?

Actually all of them, because qualitative means to take in by all of the senses. EX:Sound, Sight, Taste, Smell, and the feel of it.

What Egyptian building has a body of a lion and a head of a man?

It's not really a "building" in the common sense of the word. The sight you're describing is the Egyptian Sphinx, which was built in honor of the Eqytptian King Thutmose IV.

What are two forms of imagery used by writers?

Two forms of imagery used by writers are visual imagery, which appeals to the sense of sight by describing how something looks, and auditory imagery, which appeals to the sense of hearing by describing sounds. Writers use these forms of imagery to create vivid sensory experiences for the reader.