

Adult fever temperature to see doctor?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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38 degrees Celsius and higher is need for concern

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Q: Adult fever temperature to see doctor?
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Should you see a doctor with a 97.3 fever?

No, 97.3 is within normal body temperature range. It is said that 98.6 is body temperature though, like all systems, to forever maintain a constant temperature while subjected to external variants, it is impossible to instantaneously respond to the changes. Therefore your body temperature will fluctuate, if you exert, your body temperature will rise ergo you sweat to cool down, if you are exposed to low temperature you shiver in order to warm up. A variation of even 2 degrees F is not something to fret about unless it is persistent or perhaps you notice other symptoms such as swollen glands, lymph nodes, unclean cut... as those in association with a fever can indicate an infection. Hope this helps anyone in need of an answer.

Why do body temperature increase in fever?

Your body temperature goes up because 70 percent of your energy that power your muscles is lost in heat, which causes your body temperature to rise.

Why does your eyeball feel cold at times?

Go see a doctor right away. There can be numerous reason, and some of them could be serious. If you cannot got on your own, find a competent adult to take you. If your regular doctor cannot see you. Go to the ER.

How bad is a 105.4 fever for a 15 year old?

It is very bad to get this much high fever. You can not wait till you go to doctor. You have to take the steps to reduce the fever. Uncover the body to the extent permitted by your culture. Put the wet towel on the chest and abdomen. Spin the towel to take out the water. Let some water remain there for evaporation. That is the way you are going to reduce the temperature. Putting the towel immersed in cold water is better, but very much uncomfortable to the patient. Start the fanning vigorously. The towel will become cool with in a minute and this will not cause any discomfort to the patient. Then apply the wet cloth to the upper and lower limbs. Here you should use the cold water. That is NOT much uncomfortable to the patient. The temperature of the cold water is to be ABOUT 20 degree Celsius. Please do not use the ice cold water. It will cause constriction of the blood vessels of the skin. The skin temperature will be low but body core temperature remain high. It may get raised eventually. The low skin temperature will give you false sense of security to you. The concept to apply the cold water is to transfer the body heat to the water. Then give tablet paracetamol 500 mg to the patient. It will take over in about one hour to reduce the body temperature. You stop the procedure once the oral or rectal temperature drops down to about 101 degree Celsius. The same can be repeated again and again. Some children gets convulsions in high temperature. They also can be managed at home only. Your physician will guide you properly. If you can get the medical help with in say five minutes, then wrap the person in wet towel and take him to the doctor.

Is it necessary to see a doctor if white Flem is in your throat?

If you are experiencing white phlegm in your throat along with other symptoms like fever, difficulty breathing, or chest pain, it is recommended to see a doctor. They can determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.

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What if your adult dog has a fever what can you give her?

The dog has a fever for a reason, I'm assuming you have taken their temperature, a high fever is very serious, please see the vet NOW

Do you have a fever if your temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit?

No. It should be your temperature right now. If not, go see a doctor.

Is a temperature of 38.9 C OK?

no , not really. this is a sign of a fever. A persons normal temperature is 36.5 to 37.5c. If it persists then you go and see the doctor

Do you have the swine flu if you have a fever of 103?

Not always will you have the swine flu if you have a temperature over 101 but you should go see a doctor

What to consume if you have got a temperature?

Eat what you desire to eat food, if you feel hungry. Drinking lots of fluid will help lower your temperature. Tylenol is an over-the-counter fever reducer. If you have a high fever that Tylenol will not reduce, see a doctor.

Top of head very hot and sweaty causes?

You might have a fever. Trying checking your temperature. If it continues, consider seeing your doctor to see if you have an infection or some other cause for the fever.

What is to high for temperature for pregnancy?

If you are running any degree of temperature over 100 F While pregnant you should go in to see your doctor. Fever can be dangerous to your unborn baby if it gets to high.

How long is to long to have a high fever?

If you have a high fever for more then 3 days, see a doctor.

Your daughter is 37 weeks pregnant and has developed a high temperature and fever - should she just take paracetamol and wait it out or should she see her Doctor?

Take a fever reducing drug, and see a doctor as soon as possible. i would say go see the Doc, it could be a sign of something needing more than just paracetamol. good luck!!!

Should i see a doctor with 103 degree fever?


What is a large red-pink discoloration on your stomach that is not a rash and not itchy and the size of an adult's hand oblong in shape and you have bloating fever and weight gain?

Go see the doctor right away!

At what body temperature should you go to the hospital?

103 is the temperature you should see a doctor at.