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Technically speaking there were no U's or w's, they were all writen as Vs Aeqvam memento rebvs in ardvis servare mentem. There are also various long marks that you should have, like over the i in arduis can't actually write it in latin, because it already is...if you get me...latin writing is the same as english....therefore you have already written it in latin!!

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The word servire in this quotation should really be servare: The former means "to serve"; the latter, "to preserve".

The English translation of 'Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem' is Remember to keep an even temper in difficult situations. In the word-by-word translation, the adjective 'aequam' means 'equal'. The verb 'memento' means 'remember', as an imperative of command. The noun 'rebus' means 'affairs, circumstances, situations, things'. The prepositon 'in' means 'in'. The adjective 'arduis' means 'difficult'. The verb 'servare' means 'to keep, protect, watch over'. And the noun 'mentem' means 'mind, understanding'.

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Q: Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem how do you write this in latin?
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