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Q: Africa is the most multilingual continent in the world?
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What does the acronym MUS stand for?

The acronym MUS is a country code for Mauritius. Mauritius is an island located in the in the Indian Ocean. It is closest to the continent of Africa. Most of the residents there are multilingual.

What is the second most populated continent?

Africa is the second only to Asia as the most populated continent in the world.

Is Africa the poorest continent?

Yes, the world's poorest and most underdeveloped continent. Considerably.

Who is the most multilingual country in the world?


Before world war 1 who controlled most of Africa's continent?

France did.

About what is the elevation of most of the continent of Africa?

The elevation of the continent in Africa is 2,000 feet. Africa is a continent.

What continent is just south of most Europe?

The continent to the south of Europe is Africa.

What continent is to the region hit by the most lightning?

Africa is the continent that experiences the most lightning strikes, with regions like the Congo basin and parts of South Africa having some of the highest concentrations of lightning activity in the world.

Is South Africa a country or continent?

South Africa is a country at the southern end of the continent of Africa.

Which is the hottest continent in the world?

Africa is generally considered the hottest continent in the world. Many of its regions, such as the Sahara Desert, experience extremely high temperatures due to its proximity to the equator and lack of significant cloud cover.

Which continent has 53 countries?

The continent with 53 countries is Africa. This makes Africa the continent with the most countries out of all continents.

Which country in Africa is further south on the continent?

South Africa is the southern most country on the continent of Africa.