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The US and the USSR benefited from captured German rocket technology and rocket scientists, which they used for both space exploration and ballistic missile arsenals.

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Q: After World War 2 what two countries benefited from the rockets?
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What two countries benefited most from world war 1?

The two countries that benefited the most from World War I was Great Britain and the United States. While losses were severe, both of these nations remained nearly intact.

When did they used Rockets in World War 2?

To send up satellites into space to spy on other countries

What was Europe divided into at the end of World War 2?

well Europe had benefited from the war and changed their whole perspective about the other countries.

Which groups benefited from World War 1 and which groups did not?

The United States benefited the most from the First World War. France and Germany were particularly negatively affected by the war. The war was fought from 1914 to 1918.

Who benefited most from World War 2?

The financiers

Which countries were the first to use rockets in a war?

actualy China did with rockets made from tubes of scrap and black powder fuel

What are the intended benefits of rockets?

The intended benefits of rockets are that they are used to go in the space and they are also used to fight a war with other countries...

What were the German rockets developed during World War 2?

They were called V-2 Rockets.

What group benefited from World war 1?

Mexican immigrants

Why and how did the World step from World War 2 to the Cold War?

Russia and the US both had rockets now, so they both competed to be the first to get someone into space. They sent spys into each others countries to gather information, and the cold war began.

Who benefited the most from the new weapons of world war 1?

Germany did

What is the name of the two rockets were sent in word war 1 from america to japan?

No rockets were sent to Japan by any country in America in World War 1