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i have mi ears gauged, and my cartlage. and when you take them out yes there is a whole about the size of the gauge that was in its place. but it will grow back, mine grew back with in a week to a normal size.

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Q: After an industrial piercing thoroughly heals if you take it out will there be a medium size hole where it was?
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What should you do when you have to take industrial piercing out in less then 5 days?

The two wounds are still "raw," so you have to continue cleaning & caring the area until it heals.

Can you make out after getting a Dahlia piercing?

You should not make out until the piercing heals.

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What does it mean when there is a knot by your navel piercing?

it does that before it heals. just like any other piercing.

The industrial piercing to heal?

Well the piercing needs to heal, this can take up to a year for a piercing to become seasoned (this is when you can remove the jewellery for a few hours and not have an issue putting it back in). Average heal time can vary from piercing to piercing from 4~6 weeks for some and other a lot longer. Light heals are not considered "healed" and can be damaged by removing the jewellery too soon.

Can you kiss when you get your tongue peirced?

yes. but not before the wound from the piercing heals.

How do you get rid of bump around your dimple piercing?

A bump around your dimple piercing is the body guarding the piercing, the surrounding tissue toughens as the piercing heals. This will ease off as the piercing heals, ensure you are rinsing the piercing daily under running water (best done in the shower after shampoo and conditioner as these tend to irritate the piercing). Should you have serious concerns contact your body piercer and let him/her have a look at it.

What is the white lump in front of your tongue piercing?

It's the tongues version of a scab it will ease off as the piercing heals, relax.

Is a softish lump near a lip piercing hazardous?

No. I had one too when my lip piercing was still healing. It's scar tissue and will go away as the piercing heals.

Is it normal for dry lip piercing?

Yes it is, it's a sign that the piercing is healing. yeah, its like a scab before a cut heals.

Why is the tissue around your monroe piercing hard?

The body is guarding the tissue while the piercing is healing, this toughening will ease off as the piercing heals. Be sure to stay on your aftercare routine.

How long does it take for an ear piercing to close up?

It depends on how fast your body heals, and how long you have had the piercing. The longer you have had the piercing, the longer it will take to close. This is true for all piercings.