

Best Answer

There are 3500 calories per pound of body fat. One needs to have a calorie deficit of 500 calories for seven days to lose one pound. The results will be seen as soon as the pounds are lost. If you have lost one pound during exercise, it should show on the scale when you get back. Remember that metabolism can affect the rate of weight loss.

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Q: After dieting say a 500 calorie deficite for 1 week when would that 1lb actually disappear actual fat When exercising is fat actually burned during the exercise or is there a delay?
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You could try exercising. :) For example: Go to the gym. (and actually exercise.)

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Do people die without exercise?

They can because peoples' bodies crave the exercise actually because exercising actually creates a thing called Runners High. Also, we need to burn fat and when we don't burn fat it clogs our arteries and smashes against or inner organs. So to simplify it yes, people can die from not exercising

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It is perfectly fine & healthy to exercise while experiencing PMS-pre-menstrual symptoms- as well as throughout your period, and exercising may actually help with cramps!

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Depends on the type of exercise, the intensity of the exercise, the duration of the exercise.

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Actually, the Supreme Court has been exercising Judicial Review since 1803.

How do you spell exersizing?

The correct spelling you are looking for is 'exercising'. Example: "Bob was busy exercising his legs when Suzie walked in."

Is the word exercising a verb?

Exercising is indeed a verb.Other verbs are exercise, exercises and exercised.

Can exercise be a noun?

Yes, exercise is both a verb and a noun. To exercise can be to do exercises. There is a noun form (gerund) for to exercise, which is exercising.

Does exercise actually help with weight loss?

Yes weight loss is aided with exercise, however only exercising will not make you loose weight, you need to eat healthy foods and keep up with a routine.

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stop the exercise