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Depends on the environment or whether they are surrounded by grapes that are rotting ( they tend to make the others rot faster). You can tell if a grape is still good if it is not browning too bad or if it is not too soft (they should be mostly firm/hard).

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Q: After how long are grapes edible?
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What types of Fruit are in each edible arrangements?

Edible Arrangements assortement of fruits includes: apples, oranges, cantalope, honeydew, strawberries, grapes, and pineapple.

What crops were grown in Jesus's time?

edible ones.corn and rice. Plus grapes. I mean... They had wine and whatnot.

Does grapes have a long a or short a vowel sound?

Grapes has a long 'a' vowel sound, pronounced as /grāps/.

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The nine edible fruits that are representing the nine fruits of the Spirit are mulberries, pomegranates, grapes, melons, olives, dates, figs, apricots, and nuts.

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a hot dog is edible. it is long and it is wide. that's the only thing i could think of.

Is the word grapes a short a or long a?


Which birds are non edible?

If you think about it, anything is edible as long as you can swallow it. o.o

Is grapes a long a short a?

The a has a long vowel sound.

What are the meaning of element of set?

Well if the "set" is "edible fruit", then the elements would be members of the set - "bananas, apples, grapes, oranges etc."

What are some edible fruits commonly regarded as fruits?

Papaya Grapes Mango Durian Pear Gerlyn

What fruits is edible?

Bananas, strawberries, grapes and Oranges are the edible fruits. There are many different fruits including the ones listed above. Fruits are usually anything sweet with seeds, excluding gourds such as zuchinnis and cucumbers. Tomatoes are also fruits.