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Q: After reading braille in sealed chamber what will happen in Pokemon emerald?
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How do you get the guide to reading braille in Pokemon emerald?

Just google or look on wikianswers or youtube to find your answer.

What is the braille on Pokemon?

DotBraille is Regi's language in Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. By reading them in the walls and de-coding them, you can find Regi's (expect Regigas!).

In Pokemon emerald where do you find the guide to reading braille?

Warning!: This guide is only for emerald. On ruby and sapphire it is different. Before you do anything you need to find the sealed chamber(route 134) dig a hole and have relicanth first in your party and wailord last and cause a earhquake. For regice you must run around the inside of the cave one lap without banging the walls. For registeel use flash in middle of the cave. For regirock read the braille then walk 2 steps left then 2 steps down then use rock smash.

Can you give a sentence using the word braille?

Braille is a reading system for blind people. The book was written in Braille. She can read Braille.

Is braille a country?

No, Braille is a system of reading and writing which was developed for blind people.

Who came up with braille?

Louis Braille created Braille, a development of a military system for reading by touch, in the dark.

What was Louis Braille famous for?

He invented a system of reading and writing for the blind called braille.

What is remarkable about what Louis Braille did?

That he created the Braille reading and writing system at the age of 12.

Pokemon Ruby regrock?

it is a long process. you can go to gamesrader for a Pokemon ruby FAQ but i can tell you there is a cave in the desert and after reading the braille, you step right twice down twice and use strength

How do you learn the braille alphabet?

There are many ways you could learn the braille alphabet. The best way is simply just to practice reading braille.

Who can translate the braille writing in Pokemon sapphire?

u dont need to read it, u just use strength on regirocks, use fly in the very middle of the cavern on registeels and wait for 2 minutes after reading braille and not moving for regices

Is braille lethal?

Braille is a system of writing and reading used by blind people. It's not any more dangerous than reading or writing in print. The only dangers presented by braille are repetitive stress injuries caused by improper hand positions while reading, or accidentally poking oneself with a braille stylus while using a slate.