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It should be effective if you continuously take Birth Control everyday without missing a pill. After your first menstrual cycle while on the pill, you should be protected against pregnancy. But to be extra cautious, use protection.

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11y ago

No, there's no change in effectiveness as long as you didn't go more than seven days without taking an active pill.

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Q: When switching birth control will the first month of the new pill be less effective?
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Is it likely to become pregnant the day after your first active pill on your second pack of birth control?

yes, because it takes atleast at week for the birth control to become effective

How long do you have to wait for birth control to be MOST effective before you have sex...I have heard a week to three months?

Birth control is the most effective when you've been on it for 4 weeks and finished your first period. My doctor says 3 months.

When does Mirena become effective?

If started within the first seven days of menstrual bleeding, no back up method is needed - it's immediately effective. If started at any other time in the menstrual cycle, use a back up method for seven days. If you're switching from the shot, implant, or a birth control pill, continue the hormonal birth control method for seven days if you're not in the first five days of menstrual bleeding. If you're starting on the day of an in-clinic suction abortion, no backup is needed.

Can you get pregnant if you switched from taking the shot to birth control pills but no longer take the birth control pills?

It is possible to get pregnant when changing birth control pills. If you have not been on birth control for at least 2 months, you should use a back-up method, such as condoms, for the first week of starting your new birth control, to avoid putting yourself at risk of pregnancy.

Can you take birth control on the first day of your period or the fifth day?

You can start birth control on any day of your cycle. If you start within the first five days of your cycle, it's immediately effective; otherwise, use a back up method of birth control, like condoms or abstinence from vaginal sex, until you've taken the birth control for seven days.

If you start using birth control on the Monday after your cycle will it still be effective?

birth control becomes effective after the first month of use. So you would begin the pill after your period, use up a pack, get your period and then you are protected. everytime after that, you have nothing to worry about unless you mess up on your pills.

If i took two birth control pills two days in a row because i started late do i need to start a new pack or will it be effective?

Use a backup method of birth control for the first seven days of this pack.

Pregnancy can be possible after taking birth control pills?

the siple answer is yes. nothing is 100% except abstinance. Being on birth control just reduces your chances of getting pregnant dramatically making it 99% effective. I just say this because I got pregnante with my first while I was on birth control.

Girlfriend switched birth controls please help?

Well, I am not sure what you need help with. Generally switching birth control pills isn't a problem. You do need to wear a condom until she finishes her first complete pack (or month's worth) of the new kind of birth control pills before you have sex without a condom.

If you are on your second pack of birth control pills are they effective immediately or after 7 days?

Providing you took the first pack correctly you are protected immediately.

When should you start taking birth control pills in your period cycle?

Right on the first day. It will take a month before the pills will be effective.

If your partner ejaculated in you and you have only been on birth control for a week could you be pregnant?

Usually, when you take birth control pills, you should refrain from sex for the first seven days or use alternative contraception. However, you should keep in mind that the only known form of birth control that is 100% effective is abstinence.