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Q: After the mens of a women and got sex to a man what will be the result?
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Do men like flat chested women?

I am 35 and flat chested and every sexy hot guy is still chasing me :)AnswerIt varies from man to man. Mens taste can vary from extremely over sized breasts to flat chested, just like women's taste in mens' features can vary.

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the women had to take over the mens job and also take care of the children the important fact was they only be paid half of what a man would be payed the women had to take over the mens job and also take care of the children the important fact was they only be paid half of what a man would be payed

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it means a women likes the way the mens cook feels inside of her

What is the role of the mens and womens work?

That is not true. women can do anything that a man can. For instance I know a couple where the women is a constructor and the manstays home and tends to the children. It would be unfair to say that women and men can't do the same things.

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They've got the brain as a horse and a body as a man.

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Mens shirts go down flat and womens shirts curve at the hips another stupid man invention to emphasize are butts!

What makes a man to nag gossip basically behave like a woman?

till u distinguish between man and women u will stay confused.take men and woman as humanbeing.and uwilldiscover all things are same.and to be very frank mens do feel jelus like women do.

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If your talking about size there measured the same way women or man. If you are talking about design yes mens rings are typically designed to be wider than womens.

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cat women ,joker ,penguin

Why is a girl chest private but a man's isn't?

Because men don't have anything on their chest women do. Or at least womens chests are considered to be a private area while mens arent.

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stop making sandwiches...however this may result in death

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Its is believed the first case appeared in a homosexual man.