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It all depends on the judgment of the dentist. Sometimes sutures are indicated, sometimes they are not. Placing sutures when they are not indicated can lead to potential complications.

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Q: After wisdom tooth removal is it normal for the dentist not to stitch the holes?
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Is it normal for all of your teeth to be sensitive for several weeks after removal of four wisdom teeth?

This is normal for a few weeks but if it continues over one month, you might want to see a dentist.

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You don't have to wait any specific time. Visit your dentist and they will refer you to an oral surgeon so that you can schedule removal.

Is it normal to have a stitch connected to your cheek after having wisdom teeth extracted?

Answer stitches in cheekI had my wisdom teeth taken out a week ago all my swelling has gone down and i have the same thing there is 1 stitch in my cheek so yes im pretty sure it is normal.

Home remedy pull wisdom tooth?

Not to. Do not attempt to pull your own wisdom teeth. It is dangerous and can be extremely painful. Unless you are a dentist, you do not have the proper means or knowledge of pulling and caring for the removal of a wisdom tooth.

Are nosebleeds normal in association with wisdom tooth removal?

it is not, but you get nosebleeds from the type of blood you have

Is soreness normal after a wisdom tooth extraction?

Yes. Didn't you read any of the materials your dentist gave you???

Should you be able to open your jaw very wide after wisdom teeth removal If you can't open your teeth more than an inch 3 days after removal is this normal?

From my experience with wisdom teeth removal, yes, it is very normal. I can't even tell you how long it was before I was able to open my jaw wide like before. Not only do the stitches in your mouth keep the skin very tight, you're also going to have a stiff jaw from having your mouth open through the surgery! It is normal to have decreased function of your mouth for a while after surgery. But definitely talk to your dentist if you think something is really not normal.

What if your daughter is 4 and her wisdom teeth are coming tho is this normal?

this is not normal. are you sure they aren't just her molars? go see your dentist they will xray her mouth and tell you what to do

Who is the best dentist in India?

It is my personal experience from last year I had so much pain in my wisdom tooth. So I visited the World of dentistry which is located in Gurgaon. And they treated my wisdom tooth without the need for removal. I had a very great experience with the World of dentistry in Gurgaon. I suggest that they are the best dentist in India.

Is it possible to find a stitch years after wisdom teeth removal?

I think it depends on the surgeon. The sutures my surgeon used were designed to dissolve over time, which they did after a week or so (if I remember correctly).

Where can one find information on wisdom teeth removal?

One seeking immediate information on wisdom teeth removal should check a local phone directory. Additionally, an online sources may aid those seeking the service of a dentist. For information purposes, several schools of dentistry may be able to searching for in-depth answers to their questions and concerns.

Is it normal for me to have a spongy feeling in my gums after impacted wisdom teeth removal?

This is very normal until the gums heal completely after the surgery. It will take them a little while to completely firm up.