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After acquiring meteorite from the machine, go down Mt. Chimney and proceed to Fallarbor Town. Go down the contest hall. There is a house with a chimney. It's Professor Cozmo laboratory. Enter it and talk to Professor. Then give him the Meteorite. After giving, go outside the lab. Beside the lab is a crater . Talk to the crater and you will found a moon stone.

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What you can do with a meteorite depends on a couple of things. First, how big is it? Second, what is it made of?

First, the scientific value; in some cases, scientists can analyze the structure and composition of the meteorite and learn interesting things about the origin of the solar system. Some meteorites are believed to have been blasted off of the planet Mars, by an ancient asteroid impact. Perhaps that's what happened to the Martians!

Most meteorite fragments are pretty small. If you have one that's a centimeter or a little larger in size, you might want to have it mounted in a ring or pendant. When cut in slabs and polished, there's often some very interesting structure and patterns in the interior.

For large meteorites, especially the "stony iron" type, a blacksmith could smelt it down and forge a tool or weapon from it. Jim Bowie's original "Bowie knife" was believed to be made from, or contain, meteoric iron. And there are a number of legends about swords forged from meteoric iron. (Science Fiction and fantasy author Terry Pratchett actually made one, to celebrate his being knighted in 2010!)

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"Meteorite" is a noun, and so it can be used in the following ways: A meteorite fell to earth last week. More than 90% of a meteorite's substance is rock. It would be very unusual for a human to be hit by a meteorite.

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