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Q: Air is made up of mainly oxygen true or false?
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Almost all of the oxygen on the planet earth is found in the atmosphereis this statement true or false?

True. The majority of the Earth's oxygen (about 21%) is found in the atmosphere as molecular oxygen (O2). This oxygen is produced mainly by photosynthetic organisms such as plants and phytoplankton.

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True. Ozone is a molecule made up of three oxygen atoms, whereas the oxygen we breathe typically consists of two oxygen atoms.

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False. Water is a molecule made of 2 parts hydrogen one part oxygen. NOT AN ELEMENT.

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True. The first elements to be identified were mainly gases, such as hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and others. These gases were identified during the study of gases emitted by various chemical processes and reactions.

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True, fire must have oxygen to burn.

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True: about 44% of the population.