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Q: Air then passes through the what to the voice box or what?
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How is the voice produce?

The voice box contains the two vocal cords. They are strips of material that are next to each other, edge to edge. When air comes up from the lungs, through the trachea, it passes through the vocal cords. When you choose to make a sound, the air causes the vocal cords vibrate, and the sound continues up and out through the mouth.

How voice is produce?

The voice box contains the two vocal cords. They are strips of material that are next to each other, edge to edge. When air comes up from the lungs, through the trachea, it passes through the vocal cords. When you choose to make a sound, the air causes the vocal cords vibrate, and the sound continues up and out through the mouth.

How does the voice produce?

The voice is produced by vibrations of the vocal cords in the larynx (voice box) when air from the lungs passes through them. The muscles in the larynx control the tension of the vocal cords and the pitch of the voice. The resonating chambers in the throat, mouth, and nasal cavities amplify and shape the sound, creating the unique characteristics of each individual's voice.

What is the thin flaps on top of your windpipe called?

The thin flaps on top of your windpipe are called the vocal cords. These cords vibrate when air passes through them, producing sound. They are essential for speaking and singing.

What produces person's voice?


Do cats use their ordinary vocal cords for purring?

It turns out that cats have special wiring. The wiring travels from the brain to the muscles in the voice box, and this wiring is able to vibrate the muscles so that they act as a valve for air flowing past the voice box. The muscles work both during inhalation and exhalation, which creates the impression that cats can purr continuously. The air passes through the valve, which opens and closes rapidly to create the purring sound.

What is the larynx used for in the human body?

The larynx or the sound box contains vocal cords which vibrate when air passes through it and thus helps us in speaking.

What structure passes air to the lungs?

Air passes through: 1. Nose or Mouth 2. Nasal cavity 3. Pharynx 4. Larynx 5. Trachea (in throat) 6. Bronchus (in chest) 7. Bronchioles (finer tubes inside lungs) into the alveoli (tiny pockets inside lungs). The o2/co2 exchange occurs in the alveoli where they interface with capillaries. Hope this helps.

What order does air travel through the body?

First it goes through the nasal cavity, then it goes through larynx (voice box) , then the trachea, then the bronchus, then the bronchioles then the alveoli and lastly to the capillaries in the arterial blood.

How do horse create sound?

Through the larynx which is their voice box

What wave creates sound?

Things vibrating, such as a speaker or your voice box.

What is passing in soccer?

It's when you kick the ball to another player on your team. This can be in the air or on the ground, in the air it can be called a lobbed pass or if the player kicks the ball in the penalty box it's called a cross theirs also ground passes and through balls which is when a player passes in front of a player so they can run to it (their can also be a through ball in the air as well