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Q: Alaska is -15 cold and California 50 warm how much colder is Alaska from California?
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What was Alaska's climate in 1897 during the Klondike gold rush?

Extremely cold in the winter but it was not so bad in summer. However, it was still pretty cold, much colder than in Illinois.

How much would it cost to get from California to Alaska?

how much does everything cost to move from california to alaska

Why is it generally warmer in California than it is in Alaska?

It is generally warmer in California than in Alaska because California is much closer to the equator than is Alaska.

Is Alaska desert hotter than Arizona?

Alaska has no major true desert areas but if it did, they would be much colder than Arizona.

Which is warmer Antarctica or Alaska?

Alaska. Antarctica is about 30 degrees F colder than its northern polar counterparts. Alaska is not as far north as Antarctica is south, so it is clearly much warmer than Antarctica.

Is neptune a hot or cold planet compared to mars?

Neptune is much colder than Mars.

What are 6 very cold places?

The Americas are a vast land mass, divided into North and South America. Places in the Americas vary widely in their climate, but generally, North America has colder weather than South America. Within North America, the farther north you go, the colder it can get. Places like Greenland (which is actually not green, its mostly ice/snow) and Alaska have really cold winters with lots of snow. Canada is colder in general versus the United States. Within the United States, the northern states like Minnesota or Vermont are much colder on average than the southern states, like Florida or New Mexico. To sum it up, just pick a place on the map, and chances are that the places north of that are going to be colder, and the places south of it are warmer.

Can you catch a cold from being barefoot?

You have just as much, but no more than, the chance of catching a cold with shoes on. You are not more prone to catch a virus the colder it is...that would mean that all or many more people in Alaska and Siberia are always sick with a cold or flu virus. There are some studies that found that people with "hypothermia" have a less active immune system...but just being cold is not hypothermia, there is a very big difference.

Is the temperature of the California sea hot?

no because it being on the west the water is much colder than over here in the east

Is New York bigger or Alaska?

Alaska is much larger in area than California. Alaska is as large as Texas, California, and Montana combined.

What is the climate of juneau?

rainy and cold. the reason for this is that Alaska is very north, so it doesn't get as much sun.

Is titan hot or cold?

No. Titan is much colder than Earth. Surface temperatures are around -300 degrees Fahrenheit.