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Q: All bills that have passed the house and the senate must be sent to the?
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After the bills are passed through the senate and the house of representives where do they go next?

it must be given to the president so he can approve or veto it.

Where do bills have to be approved?

A bill can be sent to the president for approval after both the House and the Senate pass the bill.A bill can only be sent to the President for approval if it has been passed by both the House and the Senate. It must be passed by both chambers of Congress with a majority in favor of it.

Who start revenue bills?

Revenue bills must start in the House of Representatives (not the Senate).

All bills for raising revenue must begin in the house but the senate has the right to propose what?


Money bills must bo introduced in which house?

the white house? it can't be the senate

What bills must originate in the house of representative?

Most bills can originate in either the House of Representatives or the Senate; however, __________ bills dealing with government spending must begin in the House of Representatives.

Can the senate create tax bills?

No all bills of revenue must originate in the house of representatives

Who has the power to originate tax bill?

The Senate has the power to initiate tax bills

Can the senate create taxes?

No all bills of revenue must originate in the house of representatives

What is Senate house?

The Senate along with the House of Representatives is responsible for creating new laws. Senators must vote on bills before they become laws.

Does The House of Representatives must send all appropriations bills to the Senate for them to begin the legislative process?

It is not true that in order for the Senate to begin the legislative process of all the bills is that it must be sent by the House of Representatives. It should be first reviewed and approved to by the committee it was assigned to.

Who is on the house and senate conference committee?

There is no standing conference committee. Before a bll passed by both chanbers can go to the President for signature, the two bills must match. When the differences in the bills need to be compromised and negotiated to match, a conference committee with members of both the House and Senate is formed to work out the differences and come to agreement.