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living things need water, air, sunlight, healthy food etc. to carry on their life processes.

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Q: All living things require a source of what to carry out their life activities?
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What do all living things require a source of?

All living things require a source of energy.

In order to stay organized and perform activities of life what do living things require?

they need energy

What source do all living things need to carry out their life activities?

All living things need energy, typically obtained from sunlight or organic molecules, to carry out their life activities. This energy is used in processes like metabolism, growth, and reproduction.

Predict what would happen if all the ATP production in living things suddenly ceased?

If all ATP production ceased in living things, cells would not be able to generate energy for essential processes, leading to cellular malfunction and eventually cell death. This would result in the collapse of physiological functions, ultimately causing organism-wide failure and death.

What organic compound Is a main source of energy for living things?

glucose is the source of energy for all living things.

What does not require oxygen?

Things that are not living.

What do living things need and require?

living things require air,water and food.they reproduce.they grow.they move.they respond to changes.

What activities can non living things do?

they can decompose

What activities can all living things do but non living things cant?

Grow , Breathe and Move

Does living things require energy?


What are the activities that keep living things alive?


How do we classify living and non-living things?

Living things have the capacity to reproduce, non-living things do not reproduce. The living things use biological energy for their growth and development, non-living things do not require such energy.