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It is a little more complicated than that. Beyond the galaxies there is also dark matter; of which science does not yet know its identity, but many observations show it exists. There is also dark energy and we have even less of an idea what that might be (although it might be vacuum energy as explained by some quantum field theories).

Also, this is just the visible Universe. The actual Universe might be much much larger!

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Q: All the galaxies and the space between them make up the universe?
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How galaxies such as the milky way make up the universe?

The question is essentially nonsense. The universe is the universe. It contains galaxies. There's no underlying "structure" to how the galaxies fit together, so it's more or less meaningless to talk about "how they make up the universe."

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No. Such a task would be impossible.

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No. Because it will be impossible for astronomers to make an atlas of at least 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe.

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Question does not make any sense.

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I don't think anybody has enough information about 100 billion galaxies to do that. The current estimate, that the observable Universe has about 170 billion galaxies, is simply based on observing a small sample of the sky.

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No, because it will be impossible for Hubble make a 3D map of at least 100 billion galaxies (i.e. 60 billion spiral and barred spiral galaxies, 20 billion lenticular galaxies, 15 billion elliptical galaxies, and 5 billion irregular/peculiar galaxies) in the observable universe, at distances up to 13 billion light-years; since the observable universe is 13.7 billion light-years in diameter.

Is the universe bigger than Milky Way?

No. The universe is everything we know. The milky way galaxy is just part of the Universe. There are billions of other galaxies that make up the Universe.

How can astronomers survey at least 100 billion galaxies to make a 3D map of the observable universe?

No, because it will be impossible for astronomers to survey at least 100 billion galaxies (each with 100 billion stars) to make a 3D map of the observable universe.

What eight bodies make up the universe?

Nebula, stars, and planets are the primary bodies of galaxies. The universe itself is the collection of all the galaxies we can see, and beyond--those that originated with the big bang, and the vast starless space engulfing them, which also originated with the big bang.