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Here are some examples of allocate

Is the superintendent allocating the funds for the music program?

I allocated my money for my dog and bike collection.

I'm allocating your paycheck!!!!!

Are you going to allocate that?

as you can see there are many ways to use allocate in a sentence

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Q: Allocate in a sentence
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How do you use allocate in a sentence?

He will allocate ten dollars weekly for gum.

How do you use the word allocate in a compound sentence?

The school board decided to allocate $10,000.00 for school renovations.When parents pay rent or mortgage, they allocate that sum from their monthly income.To allocate means to earmark or set aside for a specific purpose.

What is a good sentence for allocate?

I am allocating numbers to everyone who is attending the camping trip.

How do you use relocation and allocate both in a sentence?

"The troops 'allocated' the survivors for 'relocation'."

What is the meaning of 'pinaglalaanan' in a sentence or pangungusap?

"Pinaglalaanan" means to allocate or designate something for a specific purpose or person in a sentence. For example, "Pinaglalaanan ko ng oras ang aking pamilya," means "I allocate my time for my family."

What are some antonyms for the word allocate?

Keep and keep together are antonyms of allocate.

What is another word for allocate?

Synonyms for allocate: allot assign share give distribute

What is a sentence for the word allocated?

Allocate means to set aside or distribute according to a plan. Here are some sentences.The government will allocate a portion of the taxes to pay for road repairs.We will allocate one-tenth of the food to be distributed to the poor.Allocate the supplies to the correct departments.

How do you put allocated in a sentence?

Have you allocated enough time to finish your homework before you go to the movie?

Can you make a sentence with allocate?

Yes, I can. Can you? Here are some examples from Google dictionary: "I am allocating a loaf of bread to everyone on a daily basis." "I'm allocating the rations for the camping trip."

Are indirect or direct costs easier to allocate?

If you're referring to income taxes, direct costs are easier to allocate.

How can you use the word speed up in a sentence?

To speed up the process, we can allocate more resources to the project.