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Q: Americans who just criticize their government are not guilty at this crime?
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American to just criticize the government and are guilty of the crime?

American to just criticize the government and are guilty of the crime? I guess this just depends on how you look at this situation. This question can have many answers. If your looking at this from a world view it can be easy to make these claims with facts and merit. But from another view here in the states people can see these things the way others do they are blinded by everyday life. Hope this was able to answer your question.

What made it a crime to criticize the federal government?

The alien and Sedation acts :)

Which act(s) made it a crime for anyone to publicly criticize the government or its officials?

Act of treason

What steps did the government take to silence critics of War World 1?

The congress passed a law making it a crime to criticize the government or to interfere with the war.

Is it a crime to criticize the queen in England?


The Sedition Act allowed the national government to jail people for?

The Sedition Act, passed in 1918. The law made it a crime to criticize by speech or writing the government or Constitution.

How did the us government respond to American critics of the involvement in World War 1?

they were upset, congress passed a law making it a crime to criticize the government or to interfere with the war effoert

Are Native Americans Allowed to serve in the Government?

Yes, if they were not allowed it would be racist and prejudice, which is a crime.

How do you use the word guilty in the sentence?

One way to use "guilty" in a sentence is: "He felt guilty for forgetting his friend's birthday."

What is a Guilty party called?

A culprit is someone who is guilty of a crime, or other misdeed.

What does it mean if someone is aquitted of a crime?

Aquitted is a pronouncement of "not guilty." Not guilty is not innocent.

Some Americans have argued that arresting people who have done nothing more than criticize the government is unconstitutionally dangerous. How would you respond to this?

Criticizing the government is not a crime, and I have never seen an example (at least in modern times) of one being arrested for having an opinion on the government. So, in order for me to give anymore of a legitimate answer, you will have to provide me with an example of someone being arrested for nothing more than expressing their opinion.