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Q: An abscess between the testis and anus?
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For a male pig what are contained in the swellings jsut below the anus?

The scrotum are the "swellings" just below the anus. They contain the testis of the male pig.

What do you mean by gluteal abscess?

Gluteal abscess is a collection of pus lined by inflammatory tissue that is in not in the immediate location of the anus (perianal abscess), but rather just below the skin in the areas covered by the Gluteus maximus and minimus muscles.

What is a perianal abscess?

A perianal abscess is one that is found around the area of the anus. This can be a painful sore or boil. Hemorrhoids are also the cause of some abscesses. See a doctor for treatment.

Can a perianal abscess be under the ribs?

No, it cannot. Here is why...Peri = prefix signifying aroundAnal = pertaining to the anus, a.k.a. the "butt hole."Abscess = a localized collection of pus.So a perianal abscess is a localized collection of pus located around the anal opening.

Connection between a superiosteal abscess and osteomyelitis - any ideas?

The connection between a superiosteal abscess and osteomyelitis is that they are both conditions of the bones. A superiosteal abscess is found between the periosteum and cortical plate of a bone and osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone.

Difference between testes and testicles?

Testis is the medical anatomical term. Testis/testicles are the same thing. Testis/testicles are responsible for the production of male hormones and sperm. Testis and testicles are NOT the same thing. "Testis" is the singular form and "testes" is its plural. "Testicles" is the plural of "testicle." I'm not as certain of this, but I've come to believe that a testicle is an abnormally small testis.

What is the difference between gingival abscess and periodontal abscess?

A gingival abscess is an infection located specifically in the gum tissue, while a periodontal abscess involves infection that extends deeper into the periodontal ligament and supporting bone structures. Gingival abscesses are usually caused by localized factors like food impaction or trauma, while periodontal abscesses are often related to underlying gum disease.

What is the area between a male s scrotum and anus called?

The proper term is perineum and it is located between the vagina and anus in females and in males between the scrotum and anus.

What are the differential diagnosis of empty scrotum?

1- Undescended testis 2- Ectopic testis 3- Atrophic testis 4- Retractile testis 5- Surgically removed testis

Why am i getting puss from my anus?

Anal abscess - An anal abscess is a swollen, painful collection of pus near the anus. Most anal abscesses are not related to other health problems and arise spontaneously, for reasons that are unclear. They originate in a tiny anal gland, which enlarages to create a site of infection under the skin. In the United States, more than half of all anal abscesses occur in young adults between the ages of 20 and 40, and men are affected more often than women. Most anal abscesses are located near the opening of the anus but rarely can occur deeper or higher in the anal canal, closer to the lower colon or pelvic organs.

What is the thing between the balls and the anus?

The region between the penis and testicles and the anus is called the perineum. The distance between the base of the penis and anus is called the anogenital distance.