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Cold and Humid

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Q: An air mass that forms over water at a low latitude is most likely cold or hot?
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Air mass that forms over water at a high latitude is most likely?

An air mass that forms over water at a high latitude is most likely cold and humid. It would be cold because the higher the latitude the colder the air.

An air mass that forms over water at high latitude is most likely?

An air mass that forms over water at high latitude is most likely cold. The air mass over the water would also be quite humid.

What is located at 48 degrees north latitude and 48 degrees west longitude?

Fish, and salty water. COLD salty water. Cold DEEP salty water.

What water pipe is likely to be sweaty the cold water or the hot water one?

Cold water pipes would be the sweaty ones.

What happen when borex mix with cold water?

it forms crystals

What are the two climate regions does Alaska have?

Latitude, bodies of water, and presence of mountains.

When water vapor freezes on a cold surface liquid water forms immediately?

when water vapor freezes on a cold surface liquid waree forms immediately

How do warm and cold currents move?

The cold and warm water mixes and it forms a gulf stream and it starts to flow.

Why are sharks blue?

Most likely because the cold water

True or false Water vapor freezes on a cold surface liquid water forms immediaetly?


Why do you rather drink cold water than body temperature or warm water?

Years ago when our ancestors drank water at body temperature or warm water, that water was likely to be filled with pathogens. Such was not true of cold water. Those of us who are here had the ancestors who liked cold water. We inherited that trait. We too dislike water likely to be filled with bacteria.

Is ice just very cold water?

True. And not necessarily all that cold, any water below zero celcus is likely ice