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Q: An amount left over after using all that was needed?
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Has the amount of uranium in Earth increased over geologic time Has the amount of lead in Earth increased?

The amount of uranium decreasesd, the amount of lead increased over geologic times.

What is the number left over in division called?

The number left over in a division problem is called the "remainder".

How many homes can 2500 megawatts power in one year?

"Watts" is a rate of using energy, not an amount of energy.A broad-brush ballpark average rate of energy use by a household,averaged over a very long period of time, is something like 1,000 watts.So 2,500 megawatts of power is the rate needed to power2.5 x 109 / 103 = 2.5 million homes.

What is the number of years of data needed to predict Global warming?

Scientists have been using the data over the last 250 years (since the start of the Industrial Revolution) to monitor the rise of Global Warming.

What is the shortest distance between 2 places on the globe?

a straight line ^Wrong. A straight line is NOT the shortest distance between two places when you're on a globe. This is mathematically proven using calculus. Another way to prove this is to take a globe, and get some string. Pick two points, and make a straight line with the string to measure the distance. Cut off the extra string so you are using the exact amount needed for a straight line. Now, use the great circle, and you will be able to reach the same point, and have extra string left over, proving that the great circle is shorter than the straight line.