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No, when an atom is in an excited state, its electrons have gained energy, and they proceed to lose it when they fall back into their normal energy levels

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Q: An atom is in an excited state when it has its lowest energy?
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What is the lowest energy state of an unbonded atom called?

Excited State -_-

What state is an atom in which an electron has moved to a higher energy level?

An atom in which an electron has moved up to a higher level is in an excited state. The lowest state of the atom is called the ground state.Ê

What is the state when all electrons of an atom are in the lowest possible energy levels?

whenever they are in there most stable state , then they are at their lowest energy level. as u provide energy , they get excited and then upgrade to further energy level . and due to loss of energy , they regain earlier positions.

What is the difference between the ground state of an atom and excited state of an atom?

An atom is in its ground state when all the electrons in the atom occupy orbitals that result in the minimum chemical potential energy for the atom as a whole. An excited atom is one that stores (at least for a brief interval) additional chemical potential energy as a result of at least one of the electrons in it occupying an orbital with higher energy than the orbital(s) the electrons in the same atom would occupy in the ground state of the atom.

When an atom has extra energy you say that it is in what state?

This atom is in an excited state.

What is meant when a atom is In ground state?

It is the lowest allowed energy state of an atom, molecule, or ion.

An atom in an excited state contains more of what type of energy than the same atom in the ground state?

more electrons than an atom in the ground state

When you say an electron is in its ground state what does that mean?

when something is in the ground^No. That is totally incorrect.Basically, a ground state electron is when the atom/element is not being surged through with heat or electricity. Basically, it's the atom's normal electron configuration. So NA [Sodium]'s ground state would be shown as : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s1.The opposite is when it's in it's excited state. You can remember tell when an atom is in it's excited state when in the electron configuration, there is a huge jump, like 1s2,2s2,2p5, 3s2. This might have happened due to being exposed to heat and or electricity.In other words, ground state=normal, excited is, well, excited. XD

What is the term for an atom whose electrons have the lowest possible energies?

The term for an atom whose electrons have the lowest possible energies is "ground state." In this state, electrons are in their lowest energy levels or orbitals, closest to the nucleus. Excited states refer to when electrons are in higher energy levels, further away from the nucleus.

What is HTE difference between an atom in the ground state and an atom in an excited state?

Atom in the ground state is stable but atom in excited state is not stable the main reason for this is their energies.Atoms in excited state has more energy so they undergo chemical reaction so they are not stable but atoms in ground state has less energy than the excited state so they dont undergo chemical reaction.

A state in which an atom has more energy than it does at its ground state?

That is known as an excited state.

What is the lowest energy stationary state of an atom?

The ground state