

An atom is usually

Updated: 5/25/2024
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composed of a nucleus made of protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons. The nucleus contains most of the atom's mass, while the electrons determine the atom's chemical properties.

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Yes, the number of electrons orbiting an atom is typically equal to the number of protons in the nucleus. This balance is essential for an atom to be electrically neutral.

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There are not usually an equal number.

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The negative pole is near the electronegative atom. This is an atom that usually gains electrons with an overall negative charge.

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Radioactive alpha, beta, and gamma radiation are produced during the decay of certain types of unstable atomic nuclei, such as those of radioactive elements like uranium or radium. These types of radiation can also be produced in nuclear reactions, such as those that occur in nuclear power plants or in nuclear weapons.

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The central atom in a Lewis structure is usually the least electronegative atom.EDIT:If an atom occurs only once, this atom is most likely to be the central atom (exception is hydrogen, as it can make only 1 bond [1 electron necessary to reach a noble gas electron configuration]). The atom that can form the greatest number of bonds (has the least number of valence electrons) or is the least electronegative (least likely to attract atoms).

What is compounds that usually does not have carbon atom?

Inorganic compounds in general.