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Q: An element cannot be changed by any physical or chemical means because those changes do not affect the atom's number of neutrons?
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is Garbage rotting Chemical or Physical?

It is chemical , because the odour changed which is considered as a chemical property

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because its chemical properties are changed

A sheet of copper can be pounded into a bowl a physical or chemical change?

It is a physical change because it has not changed its chemical composition.

Is chlorine gas becoming a liquid a physical or chemical change?

It is a physical change because the chemical composition has not changed.

Garbage rotting is chemical or physical change?

It is chemical , because the odour changed which is considered as a chemical property

Is a piece of metal is bent in half a chemical change?

It is a physical change because only its shape changed, not its chemical composition.

Is digeasting an apple a chemical or physical change?

It is both because as you eat it it's physical being is changed. It is a chemical change because the chemical in your stomach digesting it break it down.Hope that helps!!

Is mashing a banana a chemical change or physical change?

This is a physical change, because you are only changing the physical appearance, not the substance's chemical properties.

Is a pop can being crushed a physical change?

Crushing an aluminum can is a physical change because you have only changed its shape, but not its chemical composition.

Is breaking a glass beaker chemical or physical?

Breaking, grinding, cracking are all examples of a physical change. The nature of the substance has not changed, just the size of the pieces has changed.

Is melting iceberg a physical change?

Yes, because the chemical formula has not changed. It has merely changed from a solid to a liquid.

When ice cream melts is it a chemical change or a physical change?

Physical because none of its chemical property's are not changed. Its still ice, just melted