

Best Answer
I only know of one, sorry:

"Peace, count the clock. The clock hath stricken three" Act 2. Scene 1. Line 206-207

There were no clocks inAncient Rome..

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Q: An example of anachronism in Julius Caesar?
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What is examples of an anachronism in Julius Caesar?

The use of clocks in Julius Caesar is an anachronism. Back in Roman times, there were no such things as clocks. But in Shakespeare's story, the characters used clocks. And the crowd of Italians with their sweaty nightcaps. There were no nightcaps.

How do you use Julius Caesar in a sentence?

Julius Caesar is a name, which means it is a noun. So you use it as a noun in a sentence. For example, "Julius Caesar was a great general" or, "The man who reformed the calender was Julius Caesar".

Why is Julius Caesar a political thriller?

why is Julius Caesar a political ? why is Julius Caesar a political ? why is Julius Caesar a political ? why is Julius Caesar a political ? why is Julius Caesar a political ?

What has an anachronism in it?

An anachronism is an element of a story which is inconsistent historically with the rest. They come up especially in films and plays. For example, in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, the conspirators can tell the time by the clock--except that clocks had not been invented in the time of Caesar. A similar anachronism is shown in the Blake Edwards film The Party, where an actor playing a character in the 19th century forgets to take off his 20th century wristwatch. Anachronisms are common in films set in the past where the characters speak using modern idioms and show modern attitudes.

Did juluis caeser act as an gladiator?

No. Julius Caesar was a politician.No. Julius Caesar was a politician.No. Julius Caesar was a politician.No. Julius Caesar was a politician.No. Julius Caesar was a politician.No. Julius Caesar was a politician.No. Julius Caesar was a politician.No. Julius Caesar was a politician.No. Julius Caesar was a politician.

How is loyalty potrayed in Julius Caesar?

it is not... but it also is. it depends on how you look at it. the conspirators were not loyal to julius caesar, but for example portia was loyal to brutus. :)

Did Julius Caesar become leader before Augustus?

Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.Yes, Augustus was Julius Caesar's heir.

What is Personification in Julius Caesar?

Personification is when an object takes on a human action. An example from Julius Caesar would be: "The Tiber trembled beneath her banks."

What did Julius Caesar do to his twin brother?

Nothing, because Julius Caesar had no twin brother.Nothing, because Julius Caesar had no twin brother.Nothing, because Julius Caesar had no twin brother.Nothing, because Julius Caesar had no twin brother.Nothing, because Julius Caesar had no twin brother.Nothing, because Julius Caesar had no twin brother.Nothing, because Julius Caesar had no twin brother.Nothing, because Julius Caesar had no twin brother.Nothing, because Julius Caesar had no twin brother.

Why is Julius Caesar listed as c Julius Caesar?

His first name is actually Gaius Julius Caesar but he is better known as just Julius Caesar.

Why is Shakespeare's Julius Caesar called Julius Caesar?

The play is titled "Julius Caesar" because it is about the final days of the Roman king, Julius Caesar.

What the was Julius Caesar's middle name?

Julius Caesar's middle name was Julius. His complete name was Gaius Julius Caesar.