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Q: An impulse traveling up the spinal cord first enters the brain where?
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What is the trasmit impulse from the sense organs to the spinal cord or brain?


What is the path that nervous impulse takes through the nervous system?

sensory neurone --> enters spinal cord --> relay neurone --> brain(is not a reflex action) or motor neurone(if action is reflex)

How are signals sent through nerves to the rest of the body?

First stimulus received through the senses, Sense changed stimulus to an impulse than a sensory nerve capture the impulse, conducts the impulse to the spinal cord than the brain stem to the brain, then from the brain to the brain stem through the spinal cord to a motor nerve to a muscle or gland

Which type of neurons carries impulse from sense organs to spinal cord or brain?

Sensory neurons

What is known as the gatekeeper to the cerebrum?

the gate keeper of human brain is thallamus which is the floor of dihensephallon. It sort out the outgoing impulse from brain and incoming impulse from spinal cord.

What is located where the spinal cord enters the skull and contains the medulla the pons and the cerebellum?

The brain stem

When ever you get stung by a bee you don't fill it until the impulse reaches your?

When you are stung by a bee you don't feel it until the impulse reaches your brain. The signal travels along your nerves to your spinal cord, where it is turned into a chemical message and sent to your brain.

Where do impulses travel?

Nerve impulses travel up through nerves, into the spinal cord and into one of the different lobes of the brain depending on where the impulse comes from. For example, if the impulse comes from your ear, the impulse would travel to the temporal lobe.

What kind of impulse carries impulses toward the spinal cord and brain?

A reflex. Reflexes are processed by the spinal cord in order to provide a quicker reaction than would be achieved if the signal travelled all the way to the brain and back.

Why do you need the spinal cord?

The spinal cord is a nerve cord inside the spine traveling all the way to the brain, so if you didn't have the nerve cord you're brain couldn't send/receive messages to the body

How does information from the sensory receptorsin the skin get to the brain?

The initial sensory receptor detects a change e.g temperature. This is sent as an electrical impulse via a series of sensory receptors to the spine, if there is a problem a reflex occurs. If there is no problem the impulse is transmitted to the brain through the spinal cord.

What is the sensory neuron function?

Sensory information is transmitted by the sensory neurons. They are nerve cells that convey data to spinal cord and brain.