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Impulsivity mostly occurs in response to a possible gain or benefit. Impulsive behavior is currently being studied, and some would argue that it's a mental illness.

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Q: An impulsive risk is not based on emotion?
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Is an impulsive risk based on emotion?


Is An impulsive risk is not based on emotion?

Impulsivity mostly occurs in response to a possible gain or benefit. Impulsive behavior is currently being studied, and some would argue that it's a mental illness.

What is an at risk driver?

A driver who is impatient with traffic, aggressive, and impulsive

Who is ruled by emotion rather than reason?

Someone who is ruled by emotion rather than reason tends to make decisions based on their feelings, instincts, or intuition rather than on logic or rational thinking. This can lead to impulsive behavior and decisions that may not be in their best interest in the long run.

What role does emotion play in logic?

Strong emotions affect a person's logical thinking tremendously. Often people are so driven by their current emotion, and when in an emotional state of mind, it can prevent them from thinking rationally, and making decisions based on logic. Rather their prone to make fast, impulsive decisions based on current feelings, which usually aren't well thought out.

What does impetuously mean?

# Characterized by sudden and forceful energy or emotion; impulsive and passionate. # Having or marked by violent force: impetuous, heaving waves

What does feel about blindly mean?

"Feeling blindly" typically refers to making decisions or judgments based solely on instinct or emotion, without rational thought or consideration of consequences. It can lead to impulsive actions or choices that may not be well thought out.

How is does emotion influence your decision making?

Emotions can affect decision making by influencing how information is processed and perceived. Strong emotions can lead to biased thinking and impulsive choices, while positive emotions can enhance creativity and risk-taking. Understanding and managing emotions can help make more rational and balanced decisions.

Why don't writer use emotion in a argumentation paragraph?

Arguments need to be based on fact, not emotion or opinion.

What is the comparative and superlative of impulsive?

more impulsive, most impulsive

Is compulsive the same as impulsive?

No, compulsive behavior involves repetitive actions driven by a need or urge, while impulsive behavior is acting without forethought or consideration of consequences. Compulsive behaviors are often linked to anxiety or a need for control, whereas impulsive behaviors are more spontaneous and driven by desire or emotion.

What emotion does opera have?

Every possible emotion and, even though the opera might be based on fact there is usually 'artistic licence'.