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Q: An increase in the size of a cell is called?
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What is it called when a cell increase in size or number?


Growth due to an increase in cell number is called?

Growth that is due to an increase in cell number results from an increased rate of mitotic cell division and is termed hyperplasia. Consequently, growth of a tissue or organ due to an increase in cell size is termed hypertrophy.

What makes a cell increase in size faster the cell membrane or the cell contents?

a virus

What is the size of a heart cell?

they increase in size as we get older, so we can never tell.

How organs grow?

Organisms grow by cell division or mitosis which causes increase in number of cells , and then by increase in size of cell .

What is a term that refers to a decrease in cell size?

Atrophy- refers to a decrease in cell size.

Is bacteria growth is mostly a simple increase in size?

No, bacteria growth involves both an increase in size (cell growth) and an increase in number (cell division). Bacteria reproduce by a process called binary fission, in which one bacterium divides into two daughter cells. This enables exponential growth of bacterial populations under favorable conditions.

Does a cell increase in size and usually makes copies for its DNA?

True.When a cells size increases,it can't transfer enough nutrients throughout the cell if the cell size is big.So it makes copies of its DNA

The kind of cell division associated with an increase in size and weight of an organism is what?


What would happen if a cell was as big as a basketball?

If a cell were as big as a basketball, organelles would have to increase in size to be proportionate to the actual cell. -Josh

What is a cell with a surface area and limits the cells size called?

A cell with a surface area that limits its size is called a small cell or a cell with a high surface area-to-volume ratio. This ratio influences the efficiency of nutrient absorption and waste elimination in the cell.

What happens during g1phase?

Cell increase in size and synthesize new protein and organelles