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Q: An instrument used to measure the pressure of gases in closed containers is a?
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What instrument measures gases in closed containers?

On 2 aspects, 1. A pressure sensor, can link to amount of gas formed, and a GC autosampler can work for qualitation, or quantitation

What instruments are used to measure the atmospheric pressure?

Usually the instrument used is called a barometer- which could be a closed end manometer or an aneroid barometer.An altimeter actually also measures atmospheric pressures - but for a different purpose.

What is the best definition of manometer?

an instrument that is used to measure gas in a closed container. A+

Is there an expired date for salt?

Salt in closed containers had not a term of expiration.

How do you release animals in containers in Zoo empire?

Its captured coz its fence is not closed there is a space where it can get out just move to a closed of area

Why containers containing ammonium chloride should always be kept in closed containers?

Ammonium chloride is easily decomposed and NH3 and HCl are released.

How might you keep water from evaporating?

Keep water in firmly closed containers.

What is the pressure inside the pressure cooker when closed but no heating will it be equal to atmospheric pressure or not?

The pressure inside will be the same as what the atmospheric pressure was when the lid was closed as long as no heat is added or removed.

Does a food's liquid content affect it's voltage?

I'm sorry, but food is not usually associated with voltage. Voltage, actually electro-motive force, is a measure of the "pressure" of electricity in a circuit. (You can measure EMF in Volts where there is no closed circuit, but the voltmeter itself provides a closed circuit during measurement).

What salt is durable?

All types of sodium chloride are durable if they are maintained in tightly closed containers.

What will cause a decrease in a gas pressure in closed container?

Lowering the temperature will cause a decrease in gas pressure in a closed container.

What kind of salt is durable?

All types of sodium chloride are durable if they are maintained in tightly closed containers.