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quantitative ^-^ i actually got it right!

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an experiment

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Q: An observation of some activity or the act of taking some measurement is called?
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What is the act of noticing and describing events or processes in a careful orderly way called?


When you cannot see what is taking place But other senses indicate occurrences this is called what?

indirect observation

What is the process of watching an experiment and noting what occurs called?

Watching an experiment and taking notes is an important process in a research project. These notes are called observations and can be used later to make conclusions in the manuscript.

When you cannot see what is taking place but other senses indicate occurences?

indirect observation

In ancient Greece a group of people living together with the common purpose of taking care of each other through economic activity was called an.?

in acient Greece a group o fpeople living together with the common purpose of taking care of each other through economic activity was called a ?

When you cannot see what is taking place but other senses indicate occurrences this is called?

It is called an indirect might also be thinking of subliminal observation but that is when you sense something that is below the threshold of the senses.

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_____ risk-taking behavior includes disregarding safety laws, drinking, smoking, drug use, and gang activity. It called Unhealthy

Risk-taking behavior includes disregarding safety laws drinking smoking drug use and gang activity.?

_____ risk-taking behavior includes disregarding safety laws, drinking, smoking, drug use, and gang activity. It called Unhealthy

What is the difference between observation and hypothesis?

The hypothesis is your guess of what will happen with the experiment before you do it. Observation is watching the experiment as it is being performed and observing what is taking place.

When you can't see what taking place but you use senses to indicate the occurrences?

indirect observation

What is the difference between observation and engagement?

Observation involves passive monitoring or watching of a situation without active participation. Engagement, on the other hand, involves actively participating, interacting, or getting involved in a situation. Observation is more about taking in information, while engagement involves taking action or contributing in some way.

In ancient greece a group of people living together with the common purpose of taking care of each other through economic activity was called?
