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All fungi do that

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Q: An organism that breaks down dead organic matter for energy?
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What is the scientific definition of decomposer?

An organism that breaks dead or decaying organic matter into smaller compounds.

What is an organism that obtains its energy from nonliving organic matter?

An organism that obtains its energy from nonliving organic matter is called a producer. Producers create their own energy and don't eat other organisms.

A protist that obtains its food from dead organic matter or from the dead body of another organism is called a?

Generally protists help in decomposition of dead organic matter by feeding on them.Such type of protists or bacteria are called saprophytes

What term refers to an organism that obtains its nutrition from dead organisms?

A decomposer is an organism that breaks down the organic matter of other dead organisms to feed itself. It takes quite a while for a dead organism to decompose.

How does organic matter become humus?

Organic matter breaks down (decays) to form humus.

What does bacteria do in decomposer?

breaks down organic matter

What is a organic matter?

Organic matter (or organic material) is matter that has come from a once-living organism; is capable of decay, or the product of decay; or is composed of organic compounds. The definition of organic matter varies upon the subject it is being used for.

How does organic matter get into the soil?

Organic matter is matter that is from living sources, such as animal manure, leaves, grass clippings etc. As the organic matter breaks down, worms, grubs and microorganisms incorporate it into the soil.

What do you call the organisms that act on dead plants and animals?

An organism that creates energy from the organic matter of dead plants or animals is called a decomposer. Most bacteria and fungi are decomposers.

Which type of organism is required to decompose organic matter?


What are the Detritivore that breaks down organic matter?

fungi and bacteria

What is detritivore that breaks down organic matter into simpler compounds?
